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Mademoiselle Maurice

Born and raised in the high mountains of Savoy, Mademoiselle Maurice is a French artist of 29 years. Following study Architecture in Lyon, worked in Geneva and Marseille she has settled before going live a year in Japan. Following this year in the country of the rising sun, and the tragic events of 11 March 2011 (earthquakes, tsunami and nuclear power plant explosion of Fukushima) while living in Tokyo, she decided to start composing its artistic and urban works in connection with these facts. It is based on the legend of 1000 cranes and Sadako’s story, a little girl who lived the tragedy of Hiroshima.

Now based between Paris and Marseille, Mademoiselle Maurice develops and creates in her studio colorful works with the fruits of a rich influences and career lessons. Via paper, paint, metal, or other mixed media and recycled stuffs, she gave birth to works in tune with their daily lives. These fetishes medium are paper and thread, she loves to shape these natural materials in a complex manner. Rising from the Paris grey, so was born a nebulous breaking works with urban monotony. Real punctuation of the city as his life’s work of this young artist imaginative displays radically outside the walls of his workspace. These openly positive creations, ultra colorful and immediate demands, emanates a carousel of emotion or everyone is echoed his own sensibility.

Light in appearance, the work of Mademoiselle Maurice propose and raises many questions about human nature and the interactions that sustain people and the environment. Breath of fresh air but true evolutionary thinking, artistic approach Mademoiselle Maurice opens, paving colors duality as attractive as a repulsive reality, wide spaces of abstractions in the city. Some countries where Colors and Paper has been: France (Paris, Marseille, Grenoble, Montpellier, Toulouse, Carhaix, Nantes, Lyon, Reims…etc), Italia (Sicile, San Potito), Germany (Berlin), Nederland, Sweden (Malmo), Norway (Bodo), China (Haikou), Vietnam (Hué), Australia (Sydney), USA (New York et San Francisco), Singapore, Mexique (Mexico), Slovaquia (Kosice), Singapore, Portugal (Lisboa), Japan (Tokyo), Arabia Saoudite (Sharjah), England(London), Belgium (Bruxelles), Greece (Athènes), Brazil (Natal, Canto Verde, Rio), Colombie (Bogota), Indonesia (Jakarta, Bandung, Bali, Malang)… The only walls which stay “forever” are in Saint-Quentin (Picardie), at Maryland station (London) and at San Potito (Italia) (Walls with tiles) and at Sète (K-Live), at MAUSA (Jura) and at Berlin (Germany) (Walls with metal origami.

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